The much-anticipated Bharatanatyam production, "Whispers of the River and the Tree," unfolded to a packed auditorium at the Prestige Centre for Performing Arts last evening, leaving the audience spellbound...
Additional Chief Secretary Anand Bardhan chaired the district and inter-departmental review meeting of Spring and River Rejuvenation Authority (SARRA), Uttarakhand at the Secretariat on...
Dehradun (9 September 2024). Under the ongoing Jan Samarthan program of Jan Samvad under the leadership of Congress General Secretary Naveen Joshi, a meeting...
Dehradun. Police will now keep a special watch on outsiders. Uttarakhand Police IG Nilesh Anand Bharane said that on the instructions of Chief Minister...
Dehradun. (08 September, 2024) Development of Uttarakhandi cinema industry is not possible without economic income. Unless regional content, advanced technology and professionalism come in...