With exclusive streaming rights across India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and the South-East Asia region, Styx Sports brings real-time cricket action like never before, featuring tournaments such as IPL, SA20, Big...
Uttarakhand. In the virtual presence of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, appointment letters were given to 1094 junior engineers selected in various departments under...
Uttarakhand. In continuation of the guidance and instructions of Hon'ble Chief Minister, UPCL family is determined to provide better power supply in all the...
Dehradun. Srinagar Garhwal - After 48 weeks of rigorous training, SSB has got 86 new sub-inspectors today. These sub-inspectors are starting their service after...
Chamoli. A workshop based on medicinal plants was organized by Republic Foundation Society, Dehradun in the remote village of Kanol in Chamoli district....
Kotdwar. (20 September 202) Ritu Khanduri Bhushan, Speaker Vidhan Sabha expressed her deep displeasure with the Electricity Department Kotdwar for not taking timely action...
Dehradun. In Uttarakhand, the Bharatiya Janata Party is running the membership campaign vigorously and along with this, the membership campaign of Mahila Congress has...