Dehradun. The Chief Minister told Padmini Kolhapuri that the state of Uttarakhand is emerging as a big film shooting destination. Filmmakers from all over the country are coming to the state for film shooting after seeing the natural beauty of Uttarakhand.
Seeing the possibilities of filming here, the state government is continuously moving forward in this direction.
The Chief Minister said that the new film policy of Uttarakhand is promoting films in the state. Along with Bollywood, films based on local dialects are also being promoted. Everyone coming to Devbhoomi is leaving with a better experience from here.
The Chief Minister said that Uttarakhand Film Policy-2024 has been made in the state. The grant amount to films in Hindi and languages included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution is 30 percent of the total amount spent in the state or a maximum of Rs 3 crore.
On foreign films and films with a budget of more than Rs 50 crore, a grant of 30 percent or a maximum of Rs 3 crore is being given in the state.